The following guest post was written by Wayne Dickens.
Finding out that I was going to be a dad for the first time was the biggest moment in my life. So many emotions hit me at once; excitement, sheer joy, awe, anticipation, amazement and, if I’m being honest, a little anxiety. As the early weeks went by the anxiety quickly retreated and was overtaken, wholly and completely, by excitement. Then we had our first scan and wonderment consumed me, my heart skipped a beat the first time I saw our daughter wiggling around on that grainy screen. As the trimesters passed I imagined what she might look like, what character she might have and what it would feel like the first time I ever held her in my arms. I imagined all the things that were to come; first crawl, first steps, first words, first birthday… Then the day came, I wouldn’t have to wait any longer, deep breath, being a dad would start now.