Excellent training package
I look forward to have the opportunity to do baby yoga
Instructor made the course enjoyable and was approachable and friendly
Excellent training package
I look forward to have the opportunity to do baby yoga
Instructor made the course enjoyable and was approachable and friendly
Thank you so much! Super helpful
Worked at good pace and able to ask questions or advice at any point, excellent day.
Excellent course, better than I thought it would be
Very informative
Good to relay to mums
Thoroughly enjoyed the training and looking forward to starting with mum and babies
Really fun and interesting
Lots of relevant info
Taught me a lot of new things and knowledge
Excited to share with ladies
Helpful on how it can be adapted to my role
Can use it in my own lifestyle too
Thank you so much for these two lovely days, I’m looking forward to begin implementing yoga with my mums and babies
Really enjoyed face to face training
Able to go through things if not understood as many times as needed
Given time to practice
Lots of handouts and written information given too
Very patient
Would recommend to colleagues
Really knowledgeable (lots of info)
Very friendly
Interaction was good
Everything was explained thoroughly
I have really enjoyed this course. Thank you