Jen pictured here with her husband, Adam, is a mother to 7-year-old Lyra and recently gave birth to her twins Joseph and Laurie by elective c-section. This is her beautiful and inspiring birth story. No matter how our babies are born, each birth is to be celebrated.
Falling pregnant happened quickly and despite the lockdown we were excited and positive for what was to come. Then came 9 months of an incredibly challenging pregnancy- hyperemesis gravidarum, severe back pain, anxiety with panic attacks and all the extra strain that comes with a twin pregnancy. That’s right- twins.
All of this while living in an isolated world and homeschooling a 7 year old for much of the 9 months. I knew twin pregnancies and births came with higher risks but I kept an open mind on how I would deliver. My first child was a vaginal birth- all 9lb 110z of her but as the pregnancy progressed I realised everything was different this time round and a c-section was a real possibility. Which wasn’t what I had imagined. But then neither was a pandemic or twins so there we go! And I guess that’s where I found my peace.
Realising the key to a positive birth for me was actually not to plan, but to breathe, accept and remain positive and relaxed with a focus on meeting the babies. So, under advice of a consultant and support of my midwife I booked an elective c-section. And what an amazingly positive experience it was to end the 9 months of challenge I had endured.
Firstly, there came a real peace of knowing how my babies were going to arrive. After all the uncertainty that shadowed 2020 this felt good. Even if having a pre- decided date felt strange as we edged towards the week of the date, the night before and the morning of.
Secondly, the scrupulous planning and preparation by the hospital team. They know what they’re doing and they do it amazingly. My c section went incredibly smoothly. A twin mum had her babies a week before me and even though she had huge complications during the procedure, she said the calm and collected actions in theatre made her feel so safe and under control. Each person in theatre introduced themselves and their role, everyone worked together and the vibe was uplifting and celebratory. We had our playlist on and my husband cut the cords.
There was a lady called Lesley, in charge of a special blood cleaning machine. She said if her arms are folded and shes smiling, then it’s all going well. We managed to capture her doing just this!
Finally, the babies, as after all that’s what I came for! They came out crying, healthy and happy and were quickly checked over before joining me for skin to skin in theatre. Within 30 minutes we were tandem feeding in recovery. Recovery from a difficult pregnancy, a difficult year but not a difficult entry into this world for my 2 babies. In my experience a c-section can be a positive and beautiful birth.