One of the many things I love about MamaBabyBliss classes is how much emphasis is placed on the parents’ wellbeing, especially the mother. Many baby classes churn through the children, noting the baby’s name but having no interest in the identity of the parent at all. The mama chat we have at MamaBabyBliss is so important as it creates a safe environment for mothers to talk about what they have on their mind, whether it be feeding, sleeping or just having someone who will listen to how they are feeling physically and emotionally post birth.
For me, personally talking about how I felt emotionally post birth was so important. During my pregnancy I was actually looking forward to labour. I kept myself fit and active and I felt that I was well-read and knew what to expect. I was confident I would remain calm and relaxed in labour and that I would birth my baby in a relaxed space with just my husband and midwife by my side.
I’m now saddened, but not surprised, to hear how much reported post-traumatic stress disorder there is from childbirth. Despite being young, fit, healthy and having left my NCT class convinced the “right way” to give birth is to have a natural birth, my biggest regret is that I didn’t demand a caesarean section. My little boy was born by forceps in theatre after a 33 hour labour, he wasn’t breathing, he was bruised and swollen with cut to his face and the doctors also thought they had broken his clavicle due to him having shoulder dystocia. After resuscitation, X-ray and physiotherapy he is now perfectly healthy but I felt like I failed him by going along with what the doctors said for too long. I knew something was wrong and I should have trusted my instinct.
I love being his mummy and I am so happy but I felt so guilty that his entrance to the world was so traumatic. I tried talking to my Mum about the birth when my son was a few days old but she dismissed me by saying “well he’s here now”. She wasn’t being cruel, I think she was just trying to protect me from reliving it all, but actually I just needed to talk about it. So I shut those feelings away but every time I took him to physio or looked at the little scar on his face the feelings of having failed him would resurface.
It was actually having the opportunity to talk about it at my MamaBabyBliss training where I was finally able to make peace with my son’s birth. All of us MamaBabyBliss teachers have a story and a huge amount of empathy, it isn’t an accident we all ended up being a part of this special organisation. And it was my fellow teachers, both the trainees and the experienced teachers, who made me see that I grew and birthed my beautiful boy and that I always give him 100% of what I have. Their strength and wisdom helped me put the negative feelings I had about his birth behind me and focus on all the special things I do for him every day, and have done ever since I saw those two blue lines.
It really is good to talk and that’s what we facilitate in our classes. I look forward to meeting and supporting so many new mums over the coming years and hope that whatever it is they need to talk about, my classes will provide the safe, welcoming and caring space they need.
If you are considering setting up your own business and share a passion for supporting women and babies through this significant stage in their lives then I would highly recommend training with MamaBabyBliss and joining our family.
Jennifer Good (See my teacher page)