So rumours are a flurry that Kate may be induced. Before resorting to that measure, we’ve put together a couple of tips that she and Will can try to help get things moving. Thinking about it, induction or not, we think this makes for a lovely ‘night-in’ before baby number two arrives and things get really busy.
Boob job
Nipple stimulation may trigger the release of a hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is released during labour and causes the body to have contractions. When you use nipple stimulation, you need to massage the nipple for around 5 minutes until a contraction starts. If after fifteen minutes the contractions fade, massage the other breast. If contractions start building up just let nature take its course!
Let’s talk about sex
We’ve all heard about that one but did you know that having sex does two things that can help bring on labour? Firstly an orgasm can cause contractions. Secondly, semen contains a substance called prostaglandins, which help to ripen the cervix and prepare your body for birth.
Anyone for a pina colada (virgin of course)!
Did you know that pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain that may help to ripen the cervix? To spice things up a bit we thought a pina colada might be just the job so here is an easy-to-make recipe
2 ounces unsweetened pineapple juice
1 ounce cream of coconut
1⁄2cup of blended ice
Have a soak in a warm bath
Who doesn’t love a long hot soak at the end of the day? However, the reason why baths can help bring on labour is two-fold. There is evidence that stress and worry may stop you from going into labour, so anything that gets your mind off of the fact that the baby is taking is his or her time will help. Secondly though, soaking in a warm bath may help to soften up your cervix and prepare your body for labour. Win-win we think!
These stairs were made for walking
Our last tip is not terribly romantic or exciting, but if it helps, it’s definitely worth giving a try. We’ve all heard that physical activity, like walking may help the baby’s head to drop lower and so put a little pressure on your cervix. However, walking stairs may help even more. The reason being that when you take bigger steps, you lift your legs higher and this position may put more pressure on your cervix than just ordinary walking.
If anyone tries these tips let us know how you get on and good luck Kate!