Congratulations to the wonderful staff at the Leeds Mother and Baby Unit, who recently completed their MamaBabyBliss Baby Yoga Training. There are 15 Mother and Baby Units in the UK, this is now the 2nd unit to have participated in training with us. It was lovely to see the staff being so enthusiastic about the many ways they will be able to use the techniques to benefit the parents and babies at the Unit .
“‘I have really enjoyed the course. I will recommend to others. I can’t wait to get started’ ”
The staff loved the fact that the training was onsite andspecifically tailored to their needs as a Unit and also the fact that their Outreach Team can use the techniques at home visits after discharge from the Unit. The Baby Yoga is going to offer them a wider repertoire of weekly group activities that can be done when mums return as part of Outreach Support and to encourage socialising between mums and babies. At the Nottingham Unit a member of staff was inspired to write her own relaxation script, that was specifically relevant for the mums she worked with which was just beautiful . The work these staff do in supporting women at such a difficult time in their lives is amazing, so it was a privilege to provide them with new ideas and see their enthusiasm and confidence in adopting these new techniques.
“‘I would like to thank you and all the other ladies greatly for providing your services. It has proved to be a real asset to the ward and I know the ladies have thoroughly enjoyed every session‘”
The Baby Yoga includes a quick 5 minute Dry Massage section that is done with baby fully clothed, but covers all body parts and encourages eye contact and bonding. This will be valuable for those patients with low concentration levels, or for whom undressing and redressing their babies’ takes a lot of effort and stress. The Dry Massage is also beneficial for short term patients who may not get the chance to learn a full Baby Massage routine.
Both the Nottingham and Leeds Units loved the fact that there are so many different elements to the Baby Yoga that can be used separately, according to the needs of patients on that day. For example deep breathing and stretches for mums, relaxation and exercises for babies. Many of the stretches, deep breathing and relaxation techniques can even be done in bed, if the patient is struggling to get out of bed that day. The staff were so pleased to learn breathing and relaxation techniques and physical yoga moves, that can be used to calm distressed mums prior to medical procedures or meetings with consultants. They also liked the exercises for mums who are still physically active, despite being so fragile emotionally, with exercise being a great way to release natural calming and uplifting endorphins.
The staff are looking forward to empowering the mums in the unit with the calming Baby Yoga techniques, that will enable the mums to calm their own babies. They also liked learning the specific activities for aiding the digestive system in babies. Often in a medical environment, babies may be prescribed medication or formula milk; possibly prematurely, when activities to alleviate digestive ailments and build the digestive system may now be used first. The staff now have lots more activities to help stimulate babies who have a long day and potentially months on the hospital ward. The songs and activities are such fun too, so will be uplifting for the ward, for staff as well as the parents and babies. There are also techniques that staff will be able to share with dads if the mums are sleeping or with a consultant when they visit .This is a difficult time for partners too, being separated from their partners and babies. The staff were planning lots of activities to do with mum, dad and baby, to promote that re bonding as a family also, when families have had to spend weeks, or months apart.
The work in the Mother and Baby Units has come about from the MamaBabyBliss Charitable Foundation, this enables our teachers to support parents who wouldn’t ordinarily be able to attend our classes.
Fabulous course. Clear instructions. Vanessa really down to earth and approachable. Thank you very much for coming and delivering the training. We all enjoyed it and have come back with lots of ideas and inspiration
Angela Simpson, Leeds Mother and Baby Unit.
Seeing the benefits of what we do, led to the training in both the Nottingham and Leeds Units. Our mission is now to spread this to all the 15 Units in the UK. Bringing new life into the world is challenging enough and to do this whilst suffering with your own severe mental health issues and in many cases whilst miles away from home; due to the fact that there are so few of these units across the country, must be so desperately hard. If we at MamaBabyBliss can play a small part in adding some valuable, helpful techniques for the staff; who do such an incredible job, the parents and babies, then we are truly grateful and privileged.