When my eldest first broke out in a red rash all over his face I was mortified. My beautiful little boy had become a mass of sores overnight. At first, I panicked – was it something serious or just teething rash? Then after doing my research I found out it was likely to be childhood eczema, which a trip to the GP confirmed.
This was my first experience of eczema. I was lucky enough to escape its infliction in life, despite having asthma and being susceptible to hayfever. It transpired later though, that my husband suffered from eczema as a boy, so I guess in was almost inevitable our children would experience it too.
Now, I am lucky as my sister is a paediatric nurse, so help was at hand for me. Despite living a couple of hours drive away, I could pick up the phone and she could help me find ways to treat it. A bath with Epaderm really did the trick, and whilst it didn’t cure it, it really helped him. His eczema was aggravated during the winter months and when he was dribbling, so we knew to get armed early over the years.
Then along came number 2 – a bundle of fun and my little monkey. He was fine for a couple of years, as eczema didn’t grace us with its ugly presence. However with the toddler tantrums came the double insult of more red sores. Now he is a different child, and everything he did threw – he rolled earlier, crawled and walked early, so of course the eczema outbreak threw something new at us too!
With Jacob, the daylight and warmer summer weather helped and he would go through the summer with barely a mark. But with Archie, oh no! His was in fact diagnosed as light induced eczema, which meant it was aggravated by sunlight! So back to the drawing board and finding ways to help.
By this time, I had discovered MamaBabyBliss and their fab MummyBabyBalm – this was back then my savior and still is today when he has the slightest sign of an onset. We call it the magic cream in our house!
At 8 and 5, we have very rare outbreaks now, but we are lucky. We know for many parents and children eczema causes a lot of tears and is really upsetting. As a child it hurts, and as a parent, you feel helpless.
I think my words of wisdom (for what they are worth!) would be – try different things – no cream, lotion, potion or diet is going to be perfect for every child with eczema, as they are all so different. I know its heartbreaking seeing your little one with sores and blotches all over their body, but take heart in that for many, they do grow out of it, and if they don’t grow out of it, they live with it. We are lucky there are so many things out there to help us, and we are not alone
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